Frequently asked questions
Yes, it is critical that we see if we feel comfortable working together. It is a 20-minute virtual consultation that is completely free of charge.
On the first day of therapy, we go slow. We go over the initial paperwork and talk through some of my policies. After this, I start getting to know you. I also like to learn about what you want to change. Often people are concerned that therapy is telling you what you are “doing wrong” or need to change. I don’t work in that way. There is no room for judgement in the work that we do together.
This depends on the client. Some people like to do therapy for a few months at a time. When this is the case, I think 12 sessions is about the average length of care. Other clients will do intensive or weekly sessions for a period of time and then reach back out as needed. Others prefer to do sessions every couple of weeks.
If you are active under your Medicaid plan, there is NO charge to sessions. We will go over paperwork to allow me to bill and get reimbursed from Medicaid directly.
As soon as you know, let me know. I get it, life happens. I offer a late cancel freebie for each client for this reason. After the freebie, I need 24-hour notice so can avoid the charge. I charge the full cost of your session.
My clients with Medicaid, do not get charged for cancellations as this is policy for Medicaid plans. However, after two late cancellations/no shows we will have a conversation exploring readiness for therapy.
At this point, I am on the Aetna insurance panel. All other private insurance providers would be considered Out-of-Network (OON). If you want to explore using OON benefits for our work together, then here are the steps:
1. Call your insurance company and see if they will reimburse you for OON therapy sessions. If they say yes, ask them what details they need from the provider to process these requests. They often have a form they can give you to pass along to me.
2. I will complete the necessary paperwork for you to get reimbursement.
3. You will pay me directly each session.
4. Insurance will reimburse you partially for the cost of your therapy sessions.
Some of my clients would benefit from Zing, while others will not. This is individually assessed, but never mandatory.
Yes, many people want to learn more about Zing for themselves or loved ones but aren’t interested in pursuing therapy.